CYCLING LOG: 17-22 June 2013

130.34 km this week - phew!

Sat, Jun 22, 2013         
11.02 km in 00:51:28 hours at 12.85 km/h on Surly Cross Check.
Home to the Hub with empty trailer; to Priory Academy and back to Hub with loaded trailer; home with empty trailer. Had to walk/push up Caddington Hill. end odo 1289.6

Fri, Jun 21, 2013          
37.24 km in 02:43:09 hours at 13.70 km/h on Surly Cross Check.
From the Hub to Leighton Buzzard via the Sewell Greenway; round Leighton Buzzard delivering leaflets; back to the Hub via the Greenway again, and then up. Another successful ascent of Caddington Hill! end odo 1278.6
Thu, Jun 20, 2013          
7.77 km in 00:28:40 hours at 16.26 km/h on Surly Cross Check.
Home to the Hub, to Furness Avenue for a led walk then back to the Hub. end odo 1241.3
Wed, Jun 19, 2013 evening       
28.21 km in 01:42:12 hours at 16.56 km/h on Surly Pacer.
Home to Creasey Park, then on a Led Ride to Stanbridge and back; home via Caddington Hill (success!). end odo 3205.2
Wed, Jun 19, 2013            
21.39 km in 01:39:23 hours at 12.91 km/h on Surly Cross Check.
Home to Hadrians Academy via Chaul End Road and Hatters Way; to the Hub; then home. Walked up Caddington Hill. end odo 1233.5
Tue, Jun 18, 2013
15.78 km in 00:55:31 hours at 17.05 km/h on Surly Pacer.
Home to the Hub, then to White Lion Retail Park then home. end odo 3177.0
Mon, Jun 17, 2013         
8.63 km in 00:35:21 hours at 14.65 km/h on Surly Cross Check.
Home to Streetfield Middle School and back. end odo 1212.1

Carbon Test Ride #2 - Er, Aborted.


Carbon Test Ride #1.