Now We Are One!

Yes, vélovoice is a year old today!
One year ago, I was inspired to start this blog by sharing details of the 2013 London Bike Show. The year that followed has featured many ride reports, messenger bag reviews, an overwhelmingly popular review of Carradice’s new Stockport bag for the Brompton S-type bicycle, musings on health issues and bike fit, not to mention a momentous decision to get a custom bike. (On those last two topics, I will be writing more in the coming year so watch this space!)

So what’s been popular?  In order of pageviews, the Top 10 posts are:

Product reviews are obviously very popular and I’m pleased to say there are more of these in the pipeline. The only hold up in getting more of these finished has been in setting up a good site to take photos – lighting and background distractions being the main problems in my home!

Likewise, posts featuring specific bicycles attract a lot of attention. With the number of bicycles in my fleet currently undergoing re-builds/re-purposing, I’m sure there will be more of those kinds of posts that will be of interest.

To date, the blog has received 25,796 pageviews (according to Blogger). I’m not sure how many individual visitors during the whole year, as Google Analytics is only giving me data for the last 6 months. Of everyone who visits, about 70% are brand new visitors with 30% returning. I hope that indicates that the content I write is interesting and attractive to more and more people. Just 4 people have committed to “Following” the blog and another 2 have subscribed by e-mail, so I'm guessing the rest of you returning readers have the site bookmarked!  :)

While UK-based readers account for nearly 50% of the visitor count, they average just 1-2 pageviews per visit. Contrast that with the Americans who make up 20% of my audience but who on average read 3 pages each time they visit! Hmm, I’d love to know why that is…

I still receive the majority of comments on Facebook, rather than in the Comments section after each post, but – however you contact me – I really enjoy hearing from you and am always interested in your thoughts and experiences on any topics that come up.

Here’s to another busy year ahead, both blogging and pedalling! 

Lucy Gets More Gears


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