Errandonnee #8-12 plus -- or, A Baker's Dozen

Today truly was Errand Day. I had a To Do list and a route planned to make sure I didn't forget any of the places I needed to go, to do what I needed to do.

First up:  an early morning appointment with my GP to talk about my Grumpy Knee.

Errandonnee #8
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Personal Care (Doctor)
Destination:  Caddington Surgery
Distance: 0.5 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:

1. The "Caddington Surgery" sign on the front of the medical centre building has mysteriously lost the "Caddington" bit. That's a bit strange!

Errandonnee #9
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Library
Destination: Dunstable Library
Distance: 7.5 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:

1. On my way to the library, I found that a huge tract of land next to the Busway is now a building site -- new homes and a new elderly care home. 

2. It seems the authorities have realised that people know how to open the access gates along the busway (password: 1234) and have tried tying one shut to thwart us. Or maybe the latch is broken. 

3. Improvements to National Cycle Network route 6 continue at the crossroads behind Grove House Gardens: A squared off corner (which people trampled across... result: lots of mud) has been widened, with a path that now better follows desire lines. 

3. I have yet to ever see any other bikes parked at the Library. Which is sad. 

4. I love libraries! Some of my fondest childhood memories are of going to the library on Saturday with my dad and two younger sisters. Today, I borrowed a travel book in preparation for our long weekend in Amsterdam coming up weekend after next. 

Errandonnee #10
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Not the Grocery Store (yet another pharmacy)
Destination: Boots the Chemists, The Quadrant Shopping Centre, Dunstable 
Distance: 0.1 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:

1. I debated leaving the bike parked at the library and walking to Boots but what kind of photo for #10 would that have made?? 

2. We definitely need bike parking in this open air shopping precinct. (This has been mentioned to the council!)

Errandonnee #11
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Work (to agree some volunteer projects)
Destination:  Travel Choices Hub, Ashton Square, Dunstable
Distance: 0.1 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:

1. See? Build them and they will come. 

Errandonnee #12
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Grocery Store (yes?)
Destination:  Weekly Produce Market, Ashton Square, Dunstable
Distance: 0 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:

1. Cauliflower costs £1 per head. I did not know this as Adam does all our food shopping. I am pleased I thought to ring him to say "I'm in the market - do you want me to pick up anything?"  I expected him to perhaps say strawberries. But no, it was a head of cauliflower. And so now I know what this costs. In a fresh fruit-and-veg market, if not the supermarket. 

Errandonnee #13 
Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Category:   Personal Business (Post Office)
Destination:  Angel's Convenience Store, High Street South/A5, Dunstable
Distance: 1.3 km
Steed: Bridget the Cross Check
What I learned/observations:


YES, because: 

1. Errandonneurs have been given an extra "snow day" to complete the challenge (when we already had 13). Anyone in the south of England certainly did not require a "snow day" (Townmouse in Scotland might? Then again, with 10 done in one day, maybe not!)

Doing one more errandonnee seems only fair. 

2. For educational value!

Readers outside the UK may not be aware that our Royal Mail is now a private enterprise and that there are a number of commercial competitors offering postal services. Connect+ is one just service, specialising in selling postage labels for sending goods and providing free returns for mail order goods. Why take those wrong-size jeans to a Post Office -- and pay to post them -- when the online retailer provides a postage-free returns service via Connect+? Indeed. 

The collection and drop-off points for Connect+ services are often inside small convenience stores. 

3. Okay, so I can't wait until the 2015 Edition to use the 'Personal Business' category!

And with that, I believe I have successfully completed the 2014 Edition of the Errandonnee Challenge! Pending final adjudication, of course!

13 errands over 7 official categories (plus 1 unofficial category).
93.7 kilometers (58.2 miles). 

I hope it's been as fun for all the other Errandonneurs as it has been for me!

Book Review: THE GIRLS' CYCLING HANDBOOK by Caz Nicklin


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