Dance Like Nobody's Watching*
Have you ever been "caught out" going about your business, having no idea that anybody's watching?
Adam caused a bit of a buzz this week -- amongst our friends at least. He was planning a route from St Pancras to my office, as he was meeting me after work to go see Once the Musical (great fun, by the way, but not a patch on the film), and found that a Google StreetView car had captured me on part of my commute. (This is not a route he normally would take so it was serendipitous that he was looking at Bayley Street at all.)
He posted a link to Google on Facebook. In response to all the mock-surprise comments from friends - yes, some cyclists do stop at red lights! And yes, some do indicate before turning! (I sometimes even do it when there's no one behind me!)
Here are my 10 seconds of "Fame", doing nothing more extraordinary than crossing Tottenham Court Road from Bayley Street into Percy Street at about 9am on an ordinary work day in July 2014.
*The line comes from a 1973 song called "Come From The Heart" by Susanna Clark and Richard Leigh -- famously covered by Kathy Mattea. But I first encountered the line from the grittier and altogether wonderful "The Frank Sonata" by Longpigs.