#Errandonnee 2016 Challenge: Ride 3

Errandonnee #3
Date: Sunday, 6 March 2016
Errand:  Luton & Dunstable Cycling Forum Ride
Category:   Social Call/Ride
Destination:  Luton to Shillington and back
Distance: 44km
What I learned/observations:

1. Amiiee is one heck of a strong rider. She rides an old-style mountain bike with 21 gears and uses just one. She only rides her bike once or twice a year -- usually a 20+ mile ride with the Forum, nothing else. She wears a mixture of gym kit and streetwear, with a borrowed cycling jacket over the top. And almost without exception, she does these rides after a hard night on the tiles, while all her mates are asleep and/or nursing serious hangovers. I just couldn't even.

2. It is still winter here, with the striking bare architectural features I love boldly on display. The trees and hedges bear no discernible signs of buds, much less leaves, but there is a certain smell in the air ... a sense of incipient 'fuzziness'.

3. Did I mention winter?  We had sunshine, hailstone and snowflakes, all in the space of an afternoon. But mostly it was dry, and we were all warm enough so long as we were moving.

Feeling a little cold, chaps? Or merely comparing fashionable headwear? 

A few more photos of us on the road:

© Adam Bell 2016

© Adam Bell 2016

© Adam Bell 2016

4. And one last thing: I love this bike. It has been a life-changer, definitely on my Top 5 list of the most important things that have come into my life.


#Errandonnee Challenge 2016: Rides 4 & 5 (Urban Night Riding)


#Errandonnee 2016 Challenge: Rides 1 & 2