An Oldie But Goodie: Raleigh RSW 16

Here's another Luton & Dunstable Cycling Forum Recycle Project story...

One Saturday afternoon last month, Adam disappeared into the depths of our shed looking for a longer seat post for Petra.  He began removing various bicycles and boxes of parts from the shed and laying them out on the lawn. My mind on Petra, I took little notice. I am so accustomed to seeing lots of 'junk' from the shed -- all of it donated, all of it received without inspection -- that it was several minutes before my eyes focused in any meaningful way, only for them to land on something that made me dash for my phone. 

I know nothing about Raleigh's RSW range but I knew instantly this was not another run-of-the-mill "let's see if we can transform a sow's ear into a silken purse" sort of refurbishment project. 

A few minutes later, I had uploaded a handful of photos to the Vintage Bicycles UK group on Facebook. And within 24 hours, this little beauty had a new home. 

Between Lewis's first expression of interest via Facebook and his arrival on our doorstep on Sunday evening, just about the only thing I had gleaned from the Internet about the possible value (historical or otherwise) or small-wheeled Raleighs was that, apparently, cream balloon tyres were that little bit more desirable. 

I can offer nothing more than photos. 

The only really 'bad' thing on this bicycle was the heavily corroded kickstand mount.
The kickstand itself was completely seized.

new owner Lewis very pleased with his new Raleigh

In immaculate condition, this bicycle might have fetched £100 from a knowledgeable, savvy collector. But "immaculate" this example most certainly was not! We left it entirely to Lewis' discretion to offer a donation to the Project. 

If any readers are interested in Raleigh RSWs, there is a Facebook group that seems to be an excellent all-round resource for owners and enthusiasts.

Notes From Amsterdam (Part I)


(Not So Much) Cycling in Provence: Relaxing in Vaison-la-Romaine (Part 2)