Collecting Potholes

As in many areas, our rural roads suffered a lot last winter. Unfortunately, the local authorities are not in a position to undertake systematic patches/repairs. If a pothole is not individually reported, it won't get filled.

Here are the ones I am reporting this week. I don't 'worry' much about rough surfaces per se. I take note of holes that are big/deep/rough enough to (a) potentially bring down a cyclist if hit with a front wheel or (b) cause a cyclist a lot of difficulty if he's being crowded by a fast vehicle behind or overtaking.

Slip End by the PAIGE car park.
While not particularly deep, a cyclist not already familiar with
its location is presented with a last-minute
"which way to go round it" decision to make,
usually with a few cars that had to wait behind you
at the traffic lights now itching to get past!

In Woodside: a rough and bumpy mess on a sharp descent
to a T-junction. Negotiating this while braking hard
and preparing to indicate is not fun. 

Manor Road between Woodside and Caddington:
another "which way to go" dilemma for the unwary. 

Manor Road:   just... ouch.  Hate this. 
I hope these will be filled in sometime this month.

CYCLING LOG: 1-7 July 2013


CYCLING LOG: 24-30 June 2013