CYCLING LOG: 1-7 July 2013
Not a very exciting week this week -- 95.51 fairly routine kilometres. The exciting stuff all kicks off tomorrow!
| | | | Sun, Jul 7, 2013 - 9.10 km |
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9.10 km in 00:32:02 hours at 17.04 km/h on Surly Cross Check. Home to Aldi (Hatters Lane) for the cycling sale; then back home - conquered the mountain up Chaul End Road for the first time! end odo 1404.9 |
| | | | Sat, Jul 6, 2013 - 19.55 km |
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19.55 km in 01:18:38 hours at 14.92 km/h on Surly Cross Check. Home to Creasey Park football grounds, then to the Hub, then to Lark Rise school, then home. end odo 1395.8. |
| | | | Fri, Jul 5, 2013 - 13.48 km |
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13.48 km in 00:46:13 hours at 17.50 km/h on Surly Cross Check. Home to the Hub and back. end odo 1376.2 |
| | | | Thu, Jul 4, 2013 - 13.70 km |
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13.70 km in 00:47:23 hours at 17.35 km/h on Surly Cross Check. Home to the Hub and back. end odo 1362.7 |
| | | | Wed, Jul 3, 2013 - 19.66 km |
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19.66 km in 01:28:06 hours at 13.39 km/h on Surly Cross Check. Home to the Hub, then round Dunstable doing the cycle parking audit, then home. end odo 1349.0 |
| | | | Mon, Jul 1, 2013 - 20.02 km |
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20.02 km in 01:09:45 hours at 17.22 km/h on Surly Pacer. Home to Harpenden for a full-body sports massage - bliss! Was so relaxed, couldn't work up much speed on the return journey. end odo 3282.8 |